Services – SPS

Please find below a list of the services that I provide. I believe in the importance of a long term relationship. Every day people are looking to cut costs. If that is what you are looking for, then I have a recommendation for you. Do your search on the internet as most of the information is available for free and the Internal Revenue Service is very good at providing feedback on what you did wrong and how to fix it. If that is not going to work for you, then you should take some classes or go to school for it. Oh wait… You are saying you have other ways you would like to spend your time. lol… Nice… That is the reason you hire a professional or add one to your team so you do not have to do the aforementioned.

My role is to save you time, money, and energy. But let me be clear. It is a team project. There are some things and specific heavy lifting that I do, buuuut I need your assistance to make that possible. So, yes, you will be expected to work as well. Sometimes it is as straightforward as e-mailing me your account statements. Other times, I will have to provide information on what you need to tell your bank, but you have to make the call because they will not talk to me as I am a 3rd party. The key is that a financial relationship is not a set it and forget it type of relationship. Call me for more to that story and of course call for a quote on the below services.

Individual tax preparation

I primarily prepare 1040 tax returns. No business and no nonprofits.

Please provide your prior year tax return.

For current year, please provide all forms that you have received meaning W-2’s from all employers, 1099’s from banks, contract work, retirement distributions, and especially health care forms, etc. 

Please be prepared to discuss any changes in lifestyle that have occurred during the tax year so we can make sure to account for all of the necessary forms in order to complete your tax return.

Business consulting

I enjoy working with start-ups and entrepreneurs seeking a different way of life or to supplement their current income. I work with individuals to form limited liability companies and nonprofit corporations including the Texas state filings, EIN, and forming the 501(3)c with the federal government.

As a reminder… This is a financial relationship and not simply a paperwork transaction so we will cover the items such as accounting system and controls that you will need to have a successful venture. 

Audit support

I support accounting and consulting firms with servicing their clients. I provide the following services – information technology audits, Sarbanes-Oxely (SOX) 404 audits, operational and compliance audits. 

I am experienced as a financial auditor, but I no longer provide financial audit services to larger companies. I do however have experience as a financial auditor.

Computer consulting

For desktop computing services, hardware services include – assisting you with determining if your current computer is reparable or if you need a new computer including assisting you with computer selection. Also, hard drive upgrades and installation, but mostly backup and data recovery typically is the more needed service.

software services include – computer tune-up including windows updates, software updates, anti-malware, anti-virus, and adjusting boot-up times for reviewing the start-up applications.

Troubleshooting – I troubleshoot hardware and software problems. If I can’t remove the virus, then no charge excluding rootkit viruses. As a heads-up, troubleshooting is a long process and can take days or even weeks. I will typically run a group of programs the ‘day of’ to try to fix the virus the same day so be prepared to sit for about 8 hours.

Training – Sometimes you may need assistance with Word, Excel, or just navigating in Microsoft Windows…. just call me for an appointment and we can schedule a time to review the software where you need training. This service just to go over the basics, anything above the basics, I will recommend you take a class at Leisure Learning, online, or the local community college.

For laptop services,

I do not provide any hardware services, but feel free to refer to the above for software services.

For your general technology needs, I do assist with everything from buying a laptop or desktop to assisting you with determining if you need a new laptop, desktop, or will a notepad or tablet be the right solution for your project.

In conclusion, I am a knowledge junkie. I am always researching something whether it is a new television or new laptop or new computer or new video camera or even new curtains for my home. So feel free to ask, I might know something about it or be able to point you in the right direction.

So please call me at 713-858-9131 and let’s discuss your project and I will be happy to provide a quote for my services.

This homepage will have the primary internet radio station and the links to learn more about me and my projects.