Services – WM & LI

Please click on the WM & LI link to learn more about my philosophy on wealth management and life insurance.


If you are interested in starting your journey as a self-employed financial professional, just contact me. 

Yes! You are expected to obtain at minimum your life insurance license. Anything above that is on you. I am happy to explain the opportunity.


If you just need someone to review your current financial situation to provide some financial education, just contact me.

From life insurance to retirement planning to a number of other financial literacy topics, I am happy to assist you with your journey.

Please visit my financial professional website for more information.

Just click here.


Let’s start building that balance sheet. I believe in holistic wealth management so we will look at the following things: 1) Vision for your life and the associated objectives/goals that you are trying to accomplish; 2) the time horizon meaning are these short, medium, or long term goals; and 3) your risk tolerance in order to accomplish the above vision and goals.

By the way, financial strategies need an opportunity to perform; so if you are looking for a commitment for less than 2 years, then I might not be the right wealth manager for you. If you have some short term needs you need to resolve such as moving financial strategies to a new job, I am happy to assist you as I do provide those services regardless of the finances involved for the move.

I provide a number of services so just call me when you are ready to schedule an appointment. We will cover your big questions as part of our initial conversation.

Retirement Planning

Many employers have internal companies that are assigned to assist employees with reviewing their plans to verify that they are in the correct situation. For that reason, I no longer provide free or paid reviews of employee plans.

However, if you became one of my clients in any capacity whether you purchase a product as my retirement planning client or purchase a life insurance policy, I do provide complimentary reviews of your employer plans as well as assisting you with answering general questions about medicare, medicaid, social security as well as laying out a strategy for you to retire and assisting you with determining when to move those assets to an account that you manage. 

Strategy for throwing darts at a board

The priority needs to be let’s take care of the long term planning and your life insurance needs first. Let’s address some buckets (call to learn what that means) and let’s see can we get your needs met through some time tested wealth management strategies.

And if after that discussion, you want to have some fun doing some picking and seeing if we can hit the lottery, I will be happy to work with you on a strategy.

If this is you, then call me and let’s layout some strategies.

Life Insurance

Please locate all of your current life insurance policies.

Please determine your beneficiaries.

Quotes are free, but we need to have a discussion on your actual financial needs. Just like many other items in your financial life, life insurance needs to be assessed periodically to determine if the policy still fits your needs. 

So, do you need a life insurance policy? It depends. I could easily say yes because I sell policies. I could easily say no and say money and materialism is nonsense to begin with, buuuuuuuut I am going to be responsible and tell you yes. Buuuuut here is your compromise. The compromise is logically you need the correct amount of life insurance to meet the vision of your life or the basic need whether to your self or society or to pay for final expenses. 

So to conclude…. Your financial future is important. No one can predict the future, but we can work together to layout and try different strategies and modify those strategies along the way as we work towards specific goals that support the vision for your life.

The most important life lesson I have learned is that I can not be all things to all people. For that reason, unless you object, we will always start off our financial conversation in terms of product selections by determining if some of the companies that I currently work with have products that meet your needs. Just to let you know, I do have access to alot of big names, but we can discuss if you have a big name or any name wealth management company or life insurance company that you prefer when you call me at 713-858-9131 to discuss your needs. 

And as a reminder… you can do all of these things yourself if you believe the news and of course Google. Everything is on Google! I love Google!

Buuuut before you start your Google search, ask yourself these questions… Is it worth your time? Do you want to research financial products? Do you want to learn about different life insurance products? Do you want to spend the time doing something that you probably do not enjoy?

Oh… One last thing… If you need a lawyer, you hire a lawyer. If you need a plumber, you hire a plumber. If you need… and the list goes on…

It is only logical that you hire a wealth manager. Here is the cool thing. Depending on your needs, it literally costs you nothing to have a discussion to see what your needs are and if I can assist you.

In either case, my e-mail is and my number is 713-858-9131.

Review and gather the information above and let’s get together to layout that strategy. 

This homepage will have the primary internet radio station and the links to learn more about me and my projects.