Serene Professional Solutions, LLC

Philosophy - SPS

It is all about strategy. Strategic problem solving is the key. 

I follow a very specific life formula. The formula is as follows:

1) Vision

Visualize the future.

2) Goals

Make sure my goals are measurable and achievable and associated with a target date. A good time to set those goals is part of your  New Year’s Resolutions and measure accomplishments and adjustments every December. A resolution in this since is not always a resolve to not do something as it is a resolve to do something. 

3) Action Plan

Determine available human and financial resources and develop the strategy to accomplish the above.

4) Execute

A plan means nothing if you never execute the plan.

5) Monitor

Have reminders everywhere you frequent of your goals and then be sure to track your progress early and often to make sure that you are on target.

I do cover the above in more details in the GHT section of the website.

 SPS focuses on 4 items:

  1. Tax Preparation 
  2. Business Consulting
  3. Audit Support
  4. Computer Consulting

Please refer to the services page for more details.

This homepage will have the primary internet radio station and the links to learn more about me and my projects.